Monday, January 17, 2011

New Website about to launch!

I've been working with an amazing partner in crime on a really fun site... We'll be launching it soon, possibly by the end of this week! I'll be sure to post a link to it shortly, but here's a picture of the business owner, an AMAZING Fashion Consultant and Executive Image Stylist:

Angel is absolutely wonderful to work with! I'm very impressed with his work and ability to really help a fashion luddite like myself figure out what will and won't work in a wardrobe!

Yes, soon I'll look almost put together! Thanks, Angel!


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Monday, November 29, 2010

Almost exactly four years since my last Blog post. I'd have to say I need to become more chatty.

It's been quite a pile of years, actually. In that time, I've left corporate America, started a business with Amy, and have helped dozens of small businesses get their businesses up on the net in a cost-effective manner. It's been very rewarding. Here are some of the sites I've helped with: - really quaint clothing store in Walker, MN - Macrobiotic cooking and incredible recipes for healthy eating! - Legal Eagles from Edina, MN. Don't call them for divorce or personal injury help... but they do a great job with Tort law!

and there's a ton more. It's been a blast.

Anyway, I'll try to post more regularly.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Been a while... I could use a nap!

Well, now that winter is nearly upon us, I finally have some time again. This'll change shortly.

The election went well... better than I expected. While there were a few disappointments (Tim Pawlenty, Patti Wetterling), overall I'm quite pleased.

Enough about politics.

The studio suffered some water damage back in September, which led to us completely gutting the drum booth. We're finally getting close to having it back together, and have begun scheduling sessions in there again. Over the Halloween weekend Portraits for Judith came down and recorded the "singles" portion of the 2nd CD in their double album debut. They also recorded a scratch version of their 24 minute Opus, and I have to tell you, it's fantastic. These guys are the real deal. There was good food, good conversation, some inappropriate nudity and a lot of laughter (see inappropriate Nudity*). Not as tiring a weekend as we've had in the past, as they were MUCH better prepared this time around. Over the past 15 months, they've really come together as a band.

Which leads me directly to my next topic. I love working with bands. It must be love, because there certainly isn't much money in it! Seriously, I have a day job, so it's not a big deal, but if you're going to ask me to work on your project, PLUS give you a really good deal, the least you could do is be completely prepared when you walk in. I don't want you rehearsing the latest change to the newest song when you're in the studio... bring it in the next time you record, for gosh sake!

Enough ranting. I'm excited... we have a new client coming in this Sunday. Our first leap into Hip Hop in the past decade. I think it's going to be fun and interesting... and will follow up later. Running a project recording studio in the Minneapolis area certainly has been interesting. I'm looking forward to the future!

Peace and love...


Thursday, September 07, 2006


Spent nearly 7 hours doing Foley effects for a new radio series. Great fun to be working in the Special FX arm of recording again. I can see where I'll need to make some improvements to the way we record them... or at least find a way to lay down a hardwood floor when I need dog clicking sounds! It was fun and interesting.


Thursday, August 31, 2006


Wow, what a night last night! Can't wait to continue the festivities this evening. Working with really great artists makes creating good art MUCH easier.

Hopefully there'll be something to post soon. Owning a recording studio in Minneapolis is a blast!



Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Viruses... AAGGH!!

So, our web surfing computer in the studio got nabbed last night by a virus/spyware/adware attack launched from a MySpace account. Ugh. 3 hours of farting around... not fun.

Luckily, I think we have it back to normal now. With a bit more careful surfing we should be able to mitigate this type of damage from happening again.

On another, happier note... we're recording the pilot to a radio series tonight. Should be fun! More to come...


Friday, August 25, 2006


It's been crazy working in the studio lately. Probably going to get crazier before it mellows out. If you haven't checked out the studio, now's a great time to do that.

